As is tradition here at Provo Primary, Santa arrived on our last day of term on a bight shiny fire truck!
Wearing flip flops, but still otherwise dressed in his winter suit, he spent over two jolly hours sitting and speaking joyfully to each and every one of our children – and one or two of our teachers as well!
Christmas wishes were whispered to Santa and in return a special book gift received.
Thank you Santa for stopping by, creating lots of smiles and memories. And also to everyone who helped make this tradition a highlight to our end of term activities.
Alongside Santa’s visit, we were also fortunate to have an ice cream treat, courtesy of ‘Giggles’. Thank you for this sweet delight!
At the end of Santa’s time with us, we sent him on his merry way with waves and hugs, a thank you card and a mince pie to enjoy later. See you next year, Santa!