With an up-coming week of parent/teacher conferences, a link to the thought-provoking movie “Animal School” by ‘Raising Small Souls’ serves as a great reminder to us all, that children each have different needs and learning styles and should each be appreciated, loved, and encouraged for their individuality. Developing a strong partnership between home and school is fundemental to this, as together we strive to nurture and develop each child’s inherent abilities and emerging strengths.
‘Be inspired by its message of individuality, feel awestruck by the stunning photography, and relax as you listen to the soothing music.’
Visit www.raisingsmallsouls.com and discovered an informative and encouraging web site that offers practical parenting tips, advice, articles and inspirational words. It’s well worth a look!
I think the “Animal School” video is extremely moving and thought provoking, and carries an important message for us all.
Alison Williams