Hello Mums and Dads!
A huge thanks to everyone that donated baked goodies, helped with selling and most importantly munched up all our Valentine’s treats last Friday – the Bake Sale was a huge success and raised a whopping $465 for the PTA. Well done!
Read on to learn more about our up-coming Family Skate Night and events planned for March during Education Week.
Coming up next week we have the ever popular Family Skate Night back for its fourth year of fun for all! Friday February 27th, from 6pm-8pm at the Graceway Sports Center. Everyone welcome whether you can skate or not! There will be dancing, puck shooting competitions with great prizes, drink and hotdogs on sale – and of course skating for all ages! Admission: $10 for skaters/$5 for non skaters/Under 3’s go free!
We also have some great events planned for March that could use your help with. The first week of March is Literacy Week and there are all sorts of fun things such as a Character Dress Up Day and Story Telling Time planned – more details of which will be sent out soon.
AND on World Book Day (Thursday 6th March) the PTA are planning a Big Book Swap! If you have books in good condition you’d be willing to donate for the day please send your child in to school with an age appropriate book. In return, they will get a book ticket to “spend” at the swap – the more books donated, the more tickets they will have to swap for a brand new book! We ask that each child bring at least ONE book so everyone has the chance to participate. We also plan to have a Grown-ups book table too so if any mums or dads have a book they’d like to donate to help raise funds please bring them in before March 5th so they can be sorted for the sale.
For the most up to date news and reminders of what’s on with the PTA remember to check out the school blog and Facebook page.
PTA Chair