PTA News – Autumn 2013

pta-logoWelcome and welcome back to school!  Although the year is new, there is already so much in the works.  First up for the PTA will be getting started on the shade project for the soccer pitch.  Funds for this exciting and long-desired playground improvement were allocated in June but due to the summer holidays, we delayed the project until now.  Please let us know if you have construction/budgeting expertise and would like to be an advisor.

Class rep/Room parent sign up sheets have gone up outside all classroom doors…this is a great way to get involved, assist your child’s teacher and get to know other class parents.

Finally, the PTA is looking for 2 yard sale coordinators.  Provo Primary typically holds 3 Saturday morning yard sales throughout the year (1 per term).  A straight-forward and relatively simple money maker, these sales are extremely popular with the community. Term 1 – tentatively set for Saturday 5th October.


SAT. SEPT. 14 – Provo Primary Term 1 PTA Beach Party – pack a cooler and head over to the beach by Ricky’s Flamingo Cafe for socializing and swimming with other school families.  The fun begins at 3:30pm.

MON. SEPT 16 – 6:30pm – 7:30pm, School Library – Term 1 PTA Meeting.  Please join us as we see how PTA funds from last year were allocated and make plans for the year ahead.  All parents are welcome!  Childcare will be available.

THURS. OCT 31 – Provo Primary’s Annual Family Friendly Halloween Party.  New ideas always welcome for this fantastic annual event that made the front page of the paper last year!  Volunteer sign-ups will go up in October for ticket sales, bartenders/concessions, decorating and entertainment committees.

Look forward to seeing you around school!
Haley Weldon
2013-2014 PTA Chair

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