The Providenciales Public Library will once again be hosting its annual Read-a-thon from July 9-14, 2018 under the theme “Read to Succeed”. The aim of this competition is to promote the habit of reading whilst exposing the children to a wide variety of books.
Since its inception, this competition has generated a fair amount of interest among the children and so they are not expecting anything less this year. The format has undergone a slight adjustment to make it a little more interesting and no doubt the children will embrace this.
You need to be a member of the library, so if you’re not… now is the time to join!
Participants must be registered members of the Turks and Caicos Library Service and should be within the specified age group, i.e. 6 – 8 years, 9 – 11 years, and 12 – 14 years as at July 31.
The Competition is organized at one level and is set to begin on July 9th and ends July 14th.
Participants are required to read a minimum of four (4) books for the Competition of which one (1) will be compulsory.
Competitors will be tested through a variety of methods:
- Book reports
- Written reviews
- Unscrambling of words
- Crossword Puzzles
Participants will be required to visit the public library on their island and complete the test administered on each of the book read for the respective age group
The work of the participants must be their own effort. Any evidence of irregularity will result in disqualification.
To ensure impartiality, Judges external to the Turks and Caicos Library Service will be involved in the selection of the champions.
Winners will be notified.
The Judges’ decision is final.
Members of the households and immediate family members of staff employed to the Turks and Caicos Library Service are not eligible to enter the Competition.