Provo Primary ‘World Book Day Book Swap’

imageFollowing the success of last year’s event, the PTA and School Council are once again collaborating to organise a school-wide ‘World Book Day Book Swap’ on Thursday 3rd March.

Swap your old books for new favourites.  Here’s how it works…

1. Each child wanting to participate donates at least one book (in good condition or new) and brings this/these to the donation box in their class by Tuesday 1st March.
2. In return for the donated book/s, the child will receive a book token on which their name is recorded.

Each child wanting to participate donates at least one book (in good condition or new) and brings this/these to the donation box in their class by Tuesday 1st March.
2. In return for the donated book/s, the child will receive a book token on which their name is recorded.
3. On World Book Day, the tokens will be handed out toby our School Council reps. Parents of early years children will receive their child’s token directly from their teacher.
4. During their class Book Swap time, the children can then choose a new book from the table on the stage and with their token then being stamped to record their swap.

What happens on the day:

Toddler, Preschool, Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten classes will be participating at drop off time. Parents are encouraged to help their child select a book from the stage before entering class.

Children in Year 1 and 2 will have their book swap during school time between 9 and 10am.

Children in Year 3-6 will organise class book swaps in the afternoon.

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