During September and October the Provo Primary Golf Club was in full swing! Eight pupils were welcomed by our friends at Provo Golf Club for a fantastic five-week golf clinic that aimed to help them with all parts of their game. From chipping contests to putting challenges, longest drive competitions and straight shooting matches, our Golf Club had it all!
Children were able to learn the basics of the game on the beautiful practice greens and driving range, and were even able to get out onto the course to test their long game on a real fairway.
In our final session children used their new-found skills in a hotly-contested competition. Pupils realised that a smooth swing is only part of the recipe needed for a good golf game! In our “Cool as a Cucumber” challenge, children learned that a calm and focused mind was just as important as the club in their hands.
A huge congratulations goes out to all of our young golfers, as well as an even bigger thank you for our enthusiastic parent volunteers. And finally a giant thank you to Dave Douglas and the Provo Golf Club.
We hope to swing back into action in the summer! FORE!