Provo Primary ‘A Panto Like No Other’ this Friday and Saturday

panto-like-no-other-ticket-image-webTickets are selling fast on Islehelp for our Friday and Saturday performances.

A Panto Like No Other” is a Provo Primary original plot of good versus evil, witty banter and buffoonery and, of course, good eventually conquering all. With an amazing cast, fantastic costumes, incredibly catchy songs and entertaining dances, ‘A Panto Like No Other will make you boo, hiss, laugh and cheer along to this extraordinary trip down memory lane.


As Ms. Alison and Miss Sian prepare to open Provo Primary’s 25th Anniversary Time Capsule containing artefacts from Christmas Shows past, there is a technical hitch. They depart the stage to assist Miss Stef with the lighting in the office. Left to his own devices (and a bit of encouragement from the audience) Elf on the Shelf opens the time capsule, inadvertently allowing the Baddies from Christmas Shows Past to escape, taking with them, all the artifacts.

Devastated that his actions will cause catastrophic effects, he doesn’t quite know what to do, until the wise Provo Primary School Flamingo comes to his rescue. Together, they devise a plan to go back in time to get all the artifacts back.

Unbeknownst to them, the baddies are hot on their trail in a time machine from 2004’s Christmas Show. Fortunately, the goodies, overhearing the baddies’ treacherous plan, decide to use their own special magic to assist Flamingo and Elf along their way.

Will they succeed in getting the artifacts back before Ms. Alison and Miss Sian return or will they remain stuck in the past forever?

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