Provo Middle School construction on target for opening September!

It’s not everyday that children get to enjoy working on a building site, but this is exactly what our Provo Primary Summer Campers got to do last week.

As our new Middle School building takes shape, with the help of Trevor Musgrove and T Holdings, our younger students watched bulldozers and backhoes in action. Now how exciting is that!

Following on from Provo Primary’s highly successful creative approach to teaching and learning, our new Middle School campus will be showcasing its exciting and challenging 21st century curriculum this September.

Demonstrating an alternative to the more traditional style of teaching found in The Turks and Caicos Islands, our unique curriculum stresses personal development, creativity, research based learning, understanding of personal learning styles and teaching children to learn how to learn as core components. Setting personal goals and contributing to community will be other important elements of learning at Provo Middle School.





Enrollment is still open for Year 7, and we are excited to announce that two partial scholarships for Turks and Caicos Islanders are now available.  In order to apply, please email Alison Williams at as soon as possible so your child doesn’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to enjoy this unique, first class 21st century education.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Construction Progress Updates:




Middle School Site Plan and Science Lab Classroom Design


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