Parents remember learning Nursery Rhymes when they were young with their mums and dads and now they find themselves doing the same with their children…
The Preschoolers have had a marvellous week exploring the theme of nursery rhymes, showing what a young child can learn when the environment is set and geared to independent and guided learning.
During the week, it was very interesting to watch the facial expressions and actions of the children as they recited, chanted, sung or acted out each rhyme. The children were able to recognise each nursery rhyme with a corresponding picture card. They quickly took possession of their favourite cards and enjoyed singing or chanting them – even choosing to do so during their free play.
This week shows a true demonstration that children will learn what they love and that they have the ability to retain what they see or hear. Nursery rhymes are a great starter to introduce activities in all areas of learning – they lend themselves as a great learning tool for pre-literacy skills, communication and vocabulary development, numeracy skills and so much more.