Thursday, 15th October was GLOBAL HANDWASHING DAY. The Preschool class had a fun-packed morning with a variety of activities emphasising the importance of ‘hand washing’.
We began our morning making bubbles outdoors using whisks and blowing through straws to make bubbles on our hand prints. We listened to the story ‘Germs Are Not for Sharing’ and did a ‘germs away’ experiment. For this experiment, we sprinkled black pepper in a bowl of water (the pepper represented germs). The pepper floated on top. In the centre of the bowl we added a few drops of dish washing soap and watched the soap ‘scare the germs away’
After this, we sculpted a germ monster, counted germs on a hand and learned to ‘do the elephant’ (when you need to cough or sneeze, make an elephant trunk with your arm, swing it across your face and catch your germs in your elbow).
All week we have been singing the song, ‘Wash, Wash, Wash Your Hands’ and we even learned it in Spanish. Lava Tus Manos, with Mrs. Yorka!
The teaching and reinforcement of hand washing plays an integral role in our daily routine. It was wonderful to spend the additional time exploring this further as part of ‘Global Handwashing Day’.