Preschool Enjoy ‘The Gathering Drum’

ps-gathering-drum-oct-2015 (7)The Preschool class participated in an activity called ‘the gathering drum’ this week.  This exciting event involved tapping out simple repeated rhythms with finger tips, flat hands and thumbs.  They explored loud and quiet sounds and fast and slow rhythms. The activity involved listening carefully and following directions. Before playing their rhythms on the drum they practiced on their knees. They tried two types of rhythms, counting 1, 2; 1, 2 and then 1, 2 ,3; 1, 2, 3.  The children listened to I Wan’na Be Like You from the Jungle Book, feeling the ‘swing-type’ rhythm and then playing a faster rhythm.

The ‘gathering drum’ is a type of activity for Letters and Sounds Phase 1 which is a part of our Literacy programme. Letters and Sounds is a phonic resource used throughout the school. Phase 1 of Letters and Sounds concentrates on developing children’s speaking and listening skills and lays foundations for the phonic work that starts in Phase 2.  The emphasis for younger children will be the awareness of sounds made by instruments and noise makers, the environment and their body (rhythm).  In addition, they will develop an awareness of rhythm and rhyme in speech through stories, songs and finger plays.  More information is available at

Try exploring simple rhythms at home.  Discuss the various sounds you can make with different instruments (a simple pot/container will do) and noise makers (rice in a paper plate).  Compare sounds and play instruments alongside a story making loud and quiet sounds. Happy drumming!

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