Inspired by the poetry and illustrations in Mary O’Neill’s amazing book “Hailstones and Halibut Bones,” children from Year Two and Three wrote their own colour poems using their five sense as a guide. Here are seven examples for you to enjoy:
From Year Two:
Turquoise looks like a bubbly sea, a blue, blue sky and fresh flowers,
Turquoise feels like fresh air in your hands,
It sounds like blowing grass in the wind,
It taste like mint ice cream,
Turquoise smells like fresh leaves and waving grass,
Turquoise makes me think of happiness and fun.
Blue makes me feel calm and relaxed,
Blue looks like the swishing waves in the ocean
And the smooth blue sky,
It sounds like the rushing wind past my ear,
It tastes like fresh blueberries that I just picked,
Blue smells like pretty bluebells dancing in the wind.
Yellow sounds like someone slipping on a banana peel,
Yellow tastes like fresh banana on my cereal,
Yellow looks like the hot sun,
Yellow is the feeling of fun,
Yellow smells like fresh lemons in lemonade,
Yellow is the third colour in a rainbow!
From Year three:
Gold is the colour of a shining gold trophy,
It makes me feel like a dream that is full of nice things,
Gold smells like a golden chocolate coin,
Gold tastes like honey right from the bees,
Gold looks like a golden bumpy painting hanging on a wall,
Gold looks like a beautiful golden sunset up in the sky.
Gold make me feel very confident,
Gold makes me feel like I am king of the world!
Green looks like the earth and the colour of peppermint tea,
It sounds like the wind going though the trees and the grass or water trickling.
Green feels like you’re free and you can fly!
Green smells like nature and the beauty of flowers,
Green tastes like delicious fruit and vegetables,
Green makes me feel excited and proud.
White looks like swans swimming in the water,
White sounds like a big white dog barking,
White feels like snow in the winter,
It smells like vanilla ice cream from the ice cream shop,
White makes me feel like I am in the North Pole!