This morning, the whole school joined together to watch an amazing performance of Cinderella, told in a ballet. Pages to Pirouettes is a dance group from Pennsylvania that the TCFAF (Turks and Caicos Friends of the Arts Foundation) have brought to the island. Their mission is to enrich cultural awareness and appreciation in the community by bringing the art of story ballet to young audiences. They certainly achieved their goal here today – the children thoroughly enjoyed the show! Click below to watch a clip of the performance and see the children having a go at some ballet positions!
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Here is a clip from the end of the performance, when the Prince searches for his love, bringing the glass slipper for the Stepsisters and Cinderella to try on.
At the end of the show the performers encouraged the children to have a go at trying some ballet positions. It was great fun!
A big thank you to Barbara Pankhurst and TCFAF for organising the performance today and to all the performers from Pages to Pirouettes.