Our Wonderful Spring Bonnets and PTA Egg Hunt

eyfs-bonnet-parade-2016-(10What an amazing selection of Spring Bonnets we saw today at our annual EYFS Spring Bonnet Parade.

Thank you to all of our EYFS families for doing such a wonderful job of creating the bonnets.  It takes some skill balancing and sticking eggs, nests, chicks, flowers on a hat and creating bunny ears that stay upright – a great example of a STEM learning activity at home for both adult and child to work on together! What creative families we have!  The bonnets were fantastic!

As is tradition, the children participated in a short parade around the school in front of cheering and clapping parents, friends and older students.

This was followed by another much loved tradition – the PTA Egg Hunt!  Thank you to all of our PTA helpers for making this event take place.  From Toddlers to Year 6, the excitement was clear – no matter how old you are!


Look out for lots more photos of both events in our School Yearbook!



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