Provo Primary School now has brown recycling bins on the premises. After a visit to the Recycling Plant last term, the School Council have a devised a simple ‘Recycling Mission’ to encourage us all to recycle. They hope you can all participate!
Their intentions are that all snack\lunch recyclable refuse will be taken home to be washed and placed in the brown bin located at the school entrance, in the mornings as you come into school. Other household recyclables can also be brought from home.
To encourage and entice your participation, they have created tally sheets for each class to record the number of objects placed in the bin. These tallies will be counted up each week and the class who collects the most tallies at the end of the month will receive a special ‘Recycle Certificate’ which will entitle the class to an extra ‘Golden Time’.
Well done, School Council. I wonder which class will collect the most recyclables this month? We look forward to an update on this fantastic initiative later in the term.