A well known ancient African proverb states that ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ and it is so true. In order to raise children successfully, we can’t do it alone. Here at Provo Primary School we have a strong sense of community, with families and friends all striving to work together for the same cause. The success of our school today is based upon this community spirit that we feel so strongly. Everyone in our school works together towards the same goals and we reap the rewards of working as a team.
We feel especially blessed to be a part of the Graceway Village community where the shared facilities and local businesses are so wonderful. We feel truly fortunate to have on our doorstep the TCIFA field, The Graceway Sports Centre, the Unicorn Bookstore and the wonderful neighbourhood of Flamingo Park.
Apart from the access to wonderful facilities, our community at large has much to be grateful for and we recognize the importance that these key people have had in helping us get back to normal after the recent storms. Without companies such as IGA, PPC, Digicel, Cable and Wireless, The Do It Center, Provo Building working so hard to keep us connected and restoring services, we would have struggled immensely. We must of course not forget the many people who personally helped us and showed their concern for us during and after the storms.
Hurricanes aside, there are so many people that we are grateful to, for helping our little school survive and blossom to be what it is today. Clive and Julia Stanbrook and Mark and Barbara Pankhurst, in particular, have had a huge impact on the success of our school over the years and we greatly appreciate their latest generous donations of a new school bus (Stanbrooks) and scholarship assistance (Pankhursts).
At Provo Primary School we strongly believe that you start building a good neighbourhood when you yourself decide that you will be a good neighbour. Teaching our children to care about their community is a core element of our ethos. Fundraising for others is one aspect of caring and over the years we have regularly raised funds for local charities, Nissi House, local schools and UNICEF through our monthly ‘Dress Down Day’. This year from our silent auction fundraising event, we donated $1700 of books to Oseta Joly Primary school. After the recent storms, the Grades 5-7 children packed bags at IGA and have raised $1500 to help local children.
We hope that as our school and community continues to grow, so too will our community spirit. If we continue to work together and help each other we know that great things can be achieved.
Please come and see our school or visit our website at www.provolearning.com or our blog at www.provoprimaryblog.com. We look forward to seeing you soon.