Our Fun Run fundraiser kicks off next week!

Our Fun Run fundraiser kicks off next week! We love that there will also be leadership and character lesson portion this year – the leadership theme:


(G – Go Getter, A – Appreciate, M – Move Forward, E – Explore, O – Others First, and N – Now What?)

will take students on an exciting journey as they learn what it takes to be a game changing leader!

Pledge sheets will be coming home next week after the pep rally assembly on Tuesday.  Please note that our donation collections will all be done online through the Anython website www.Anython.com to make the collection process easier and faster. Plus, sponsors can pledge from anywhere in the world to support our students and school!

Sponsors can also pay by check, we just ask that these donations be turned into the school any time before the Fun Run event, so that students receive credit.

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