It is tradition here at Provo Primary to hold a special Egg Hunt to mark the end of the Spring term. This year was no egg-ception! The bunny, ably assisted by his egg-stremely dedicated team of PTA volunteers, hid goodie-filled eggs throughout the school play areas. The egg-stremely egg-cited children eagerly searched out the eggs, many of which were a challenge to find. Teachers and on-lookers enthusiastically ‘egged’ everyone on until everyone found 3 eggs each.
As a special egg-stra surprise for each class, the bunny hid 5 bonus eggs to be discovered. One of these was the ‘Golden Egg’, which was particularly well hidden.
After a busy time burrowing around, the egg-hausted children gathered together to open their eggs and enjoy their treats.
All the children then cheered a big thank you to the PTA and the bunny for such an egg-cellent egg hunt – Well done everyone!