Can you guess who is who in Year 6?
Please take a look at their fantastic portraits and see if you can decipher all the students in the current Year 6 class!
As part of our work in P.S.H.E, Year 6 have been following a scheme of work entitled: What Makes Me, Me? One aspect of this unit of work demanded the production of a personal portrait which had to be annotated with words describing the personality of the individual depicted.
Students had to observe their facial features closely in order to attain a similar copy within their portrait. This also enabled the children to appreciate their unique features; and to consider how similar or different they are to their parents, siblings and other family members.
Once the sketching element of the process was finished the children used oil pastels to bring the portrait to life. Experimenting with a range of colours, tones and shades was messy, but fun work!
The final element required the students to reflect on their personality. They had to take into account the attributes which make them, them. Taking this time to reflect personally, allowed the students to consider both positive and negative elements of their personality.
If you still can’t decide who is who, please pop into the Year 6 class and see the beautiful portraits on display. You might even learn a new word or two when reading the powerful language that they applied to the description of their personalities.