Osprey class watch new osprey nesting platform go up

yr-2-osprey-trip-26-03-14 (7)Wow!  What an amazing opportunity the Year 2 Osprey class got to be part of this week!  As part of World Osprey Week Fortis teamed up with DEMA and built an artificial osprey platform and we were fortunate enough to watch it being erected in the Children’s Park in the Lower Bight.

We all watched with open mouths as a digger was used to lift the heavy wooden pole, with an attached platform and crate at the top, into a deep hole in the ground.  We then crossed the road and visited the Environmental Centre, where we got to learn about the other wildlife we are lucky enough to have in and around our island.

To complete our Osprey field trip we went to Smiths Beach where an osprey platform has already been successfully erected and ospreys have moved in and made it their home.  Sadly, there was a lot of litter immediately surrounding the nest and, knowing how bad it can be not only for ospreys but all wildlife, the Yr 2 children did a small litter pick in the hope that it might make a small difference to the ospreys nesting there.

We had a fantastic field trip and felt very privileged to be part of this unique, special day.





















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