Year 3 are leading the way, creating some ‘NO TO STRAWS’ cards to help remind everyone to join the DECR ‘WE SAY NO TO STRAWS’ campaign. The idea is for them to take the cards out with them when their family is dining out, helping them to specifically ask for no straws when ordering their drinks.
With permission of the venue, we hope to make a collection of photographs of the children with their straw-less drinks. Many local restaurants are already joining in with the campaign and perhaps our cards and photos will encourage more and more to consider following suit. Please send in the photos to
The Year 3s have also made cards to be placed into their lunch boxes to help them remember not to bring straws to school.
This campaign is to create awareness of our beautiful marine environment and how we can take small actions each day to conserve and protect it! No Straw is a simple choice that can make a big difference.