Next Week is National Youth Week – 23rd- 28th September, 2018

During National Youth Week next week, a variety of events are happening in the TCI in celebration our young people. The theme for this year is: Empowering the youth, one Island at a time; no child left behind.

Provo Primary School is looking to make a presence and would love for you to come along and help support our school and all schools on island.  Here are a couple of the events…



Youth Service – Sunday 23rd September

Your family may wish to attended the youth service that will be held commemorating the start of the youth week celebrations on Sunday 23rd September. It will be at the Church of God of Prophesy in Five Cays and starts at 4pm.  Children should wear their school uniform.

National Youth Day Parade – Friday 28th September

On the 28th of September it is National Youth Day (Public Holiday), which involves a wonderful procession of the youth of our island.  Starting at 10am, the parade leads from CIBC Bank to the Gus Lightbourne Sports Centre Downtown.  Each school has been assigned a colour to wear and ours is turquoise blue.  Our Provo Primary school t-shirts are perfect and children should wear these.  They can choose to wear any pants, shorts or skirts to go with them. Each school also creates and carries a banner depicting the theme.  Years 4 and 5 will be helping create the banner in school with myself.

Let Miss Laranda (Toddler Teacher) know next week if your family plans to attend the parade.  Families should meet her in the bank car park at 9:50am.  You may wish to car pool so that a car is dropped off Downtown. Parents should accompany their children throughout the walk and the day’s events.

The day continues with the following activities:

10am- 12pm Float Parade & Hanging of Banners

12pm- 2pm Greetings, school performances, DJ, Stage Interaction

2pm – 4pm DJ, side show interactions

4pm – 6pm Youth Band & Local Talent

6pm – Clean Up

See their Facebook page for more details on all of the events happening this week.

Here in The Turks and Caicos Islands the Department of Youth Affairs will be celebrating our youth under the theme “Empowering the Youth, One Island at a Time no Child left Behind”.  This year’s theme follows from previous initiatives in relation to promoting young people’s ideas and strengthening their decision making skills. It also encourages voluntary service by our youth within the community to further enhance their development, direct their passions for good, while guiding them to believe that their voice matters without judging or criticizing their ideas, giving them a chance to fail while teaching them to learn to succeed.


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