New PTA Purchases Enhance Learning Opportunities Across The School!

pta-thank-you-sept-2013At the end of the summer term, the PTA allocated over $6000 to help the school purchase a variety of wonderful new equipment and resources which will enhance the teaching and learning of all the children across the school.  All the children, parents and staff would like to thank the huge number of people and organisations who generously supported our fundraising events last year, allowing us to work together to improve the educational experience of all Provo Primary Students.  Click on to read more about how the money was spent…

ey-playground-sept-2013 (1)For Early Years, a new activity climber and pirate ship has been purchased using the remaining funds from last year’s playground improvement initiative.



pta-maths-sept-2013In Key Stage One and Two a range of Maths teaching resources have been bought to support the school’s focus this year on the teaching and learning of calculations.  The picture shows a selection of the full resources.



field-hockey-pta-01-09-13The addition of a full set of field hockey equipment will add this new exciting sport to the school already wide collection of invasion game activities.




pta-reading-sept-2013Finally, the PTA were also keen to continue their commitment to the support of reading, purchasing sets of guided reading fiction books for Years 3 and 4.



ps-nov-2012-104The PTA has also an additional large sum of money allocated to erect shading over our artificial grass area this term.   This will be an amazing addition that will allow sports to be played more comfortably and with protection from the sun, and will also enable this area to be used throughout the day as an added outside learning area.


Potential fundraising goals for the year ahead include creating a paved recreation area in the back parking lot for net sports, rounders and other team games; partnering with the School Council to renovate the garden area; repairing and updating the lighting and audio equipment on the stage; contributing to the school’s “tablet” initiative.  New ideas are always welcome from parents and staff alike.  This term, please consider volunteering as a Class Rep, Yard Sale Chair or Halloween Party Committee Member  to help make some of these ideas a reality!


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