National Primary School Debate

Congratulations to our Year 5 Debate Team who competed in the National Primary School Debate this week.

‘Money Is More Important Than Education’ was the moot of the day.

Our team certainly delivered some powerful points, each presenting superb speeches lasting 7, 5 and 3 minutes respectively.  Special congratulations also go to one team member for winning a best speaker trophy. We are very proud of all the children’s efforts and how they rose to this challenge of public speaking.

Watch highlights of the debate, and see the children being interviewed, on our local WIV 4 news channel:  Primary School Debate Interview

Well done also to all the rest of our Year 5s too who helped prepare the team by creating opposing ideas in our practise debate and for supported their fellow classmate’s efforts on the day.

This was the first time we have entered a debate competition. Thank you to Mrs. Nicole for all her hard work in helping the children prepare, the topic of debating linking well with the classes Literacy unit on persuasion.  Support and guidance has home also been fantastic. We would also like to pass on a special thank you to Zoya Faessler and Cynclair Musgrove for taking the time to coming into the school to offer their key advice and experience.


  1. CM says:

    “It was certainly a delight to work with the students. Their innate abilities and quick wit made it possible to accomplish so much in such a short space of time.

    Provo Primary will always be near and dear to me. Thank you for the opportunity to give back a little of my time to a school that was an integral part of my life for many years. I am impressed with the blog. I see the school continues to stay in tuned with technology.

    Kudos, once again!”

  2. ZF says:

    “It was very exciting, and the students were amazing listeners and learners.” I am very proud that I had the opportunity to assist the students and give them advice.

    Congratulations! Remember there will always be other opportunities and this was just the beginning.

    My brother, you did amazing, and I will always help you.

    Thank you so much! Congratulations once again!”

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