More Book Buddies at Provo Primary School

Yesterday, the Grade 1 and 3 got together to share and read books together. The Grade 3s read popular picture books to the Grade 1s and in return, the Grade 1s read their reading books to them. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to our next reading buddy time.


Click here to see more pictures and to read comments that the children made…


G: It was fun. The best part was when we read about the giant falling into a big hole. We both laughed.

L: I liked the books.


R: I thought my buddies were patient and I look forward to the next time I get to read to them.

L: I enjoyed listening to the story.

I: I liked everything.


S: My buddy was a good listener,, a good reader and is very smart. It was really fun.

M: I like it when my buddy was reading with me.


JP: I really liked reading to them because they listened well, and I can’t wait to do it again.

M: I liked everything.

C: I liked the story and before my buddy left, I gave her a hug.

C: I liked it when my buddy read her book.


J: My buddies were really nice and patient and I am looking forward to reading to them again. They were great readers too.

C: I liked reading my book.


X: When I first got in there I was really shy, but once I looked at the word, I was fine and I didn’t need any help.

R: I liked reading my book to my buddy.


M: My buddies were really nice and good readers too. They listened and were well behaved when I read.

A: I liked it when my buddy read “Why Giraffes can’t dance?” because it was funny.

G: I liked it when my buddy read Hairy McLairy”.


K: My buddy was a good reader and he listened to me too.

S: My buddy liked reading to me and I liked reading to him.


T : I enjoyed reading to my buddy and I like to hear her read too.

A: I liked it when my buddy read to me and also when I read to her.

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