Measurement in Action!

Over the past few weeks in Year 2, the children have been exploring measurement. We have looked at measuring cups, rulers, weighing scales and thermometers to figure out how to accurately find out the length/ height, capacity, weight and temperature (how hot or cold) of various objects found around our school. We also thought about where we have seen different examples of the those kinds of measuring tools, such as the scales in the fruit and vegetable area at IGA and the scales at the doctor’s office.


We used scales to find measure out exactly much 200 kg and how much 2.5 lbs (and more) looked like. We had fun first finding out the weight of different objects around our classroom. Did you know that our marble pot weighs 3 pounds or that our playdough is just over 6.5 pounds?

We also used water to fill up measuring cups to different capacities, such as 600ml or 450ml. We learned that sometimes there are numbers along the side of the cup that can help us to tell the capacity but sometimes we have to use our brains and think really hard about what value the different lines in between the numbers might be. It was quite the challenge but we enjoyed it!

In our last activity we used rulers to measure different classroom objects and found out that we always want to make sure we line up our rulers starting at the zero. Maths in action—what fun!


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