Our Year 1 to Year 6 class are enjoying a free trial of Mathletics – an online Maths platform with interactive activities, games and challenges. Classes are exploring this in school and login details are being sent home so that you can trial it at home too.
We have successfully used Mathletics in the past for a number of years. It can be accessed in a web-based format on a computer or in an App (make sure you download the new app if you installed it prior to June 2019)
The QR code login is a great new addition to the app, along with the really handy off-line option. Mathletics live is a fun and interactive way to help improve students’ maths fluency and mental maths skills. Many children love competing in Live Mathletics against one another or against children across the world – all in an internet safe way.
Download your app here and get started!