The JK class have been very enthusiastic about exploring shapes, numbers, sequencing and counting out quantities. Please have a look at our pictures where you can see the children independently carrying out various maths activities.
Numbers become fun when playing games. You can see in the picture the children playing a one to one correspondence game. The children are choosing to point to their favourite number for the picture.
We also provided different ‘fruits’ or objects to create interest. Some children enjoy sequencing and counting out the numbers.
Shape explorations offers many opportunities for creativity at this age. The children discovered that the magnetic shapes stick on the whiteboard and they went on to create castles, a matching game and towers. While exploring the whiteboards our classmates used circles to draw a snowman.
Another part of maths learning is sorting. In the activity photographed there is an advanced sorting activity. The aim of this activity is not only for sorting but also to develop concentration and to strengthen the children’s’ fine motor skills in preparation for writing. While sorting, the children will often talk to themselves, counting out the pom-poms or repeating the colours in a pattern. Sometimes they create a story relating to sharing – the early stages of verbalizing division.
What a lot of Maths fun we are having in JK!
If you have a maths activity that you enjoy doing at home or outdoors we would love to hear about it.