In Kindergarten class, we have been exploring our bodies this month to find out how and why we’re so different to each other! From measuring our height and collecting information about hair and eye colours in school, we’ve been busy thinking about how different our bodies look.
Read more to see more photographs of us learning…
When we started to look inside our bodies, though, it turned out we were all almost exactly the same! We all have a skeleton, brain, heart and lungs that all do the same jobs to keep us healthy and safe. We have investigated the air in our lungs that we use for breathing and learned about how our brain sends messages to all the different parts of our body.
Our Role Play area has been filled with doctors, nurses and patients all month as we have worked to heal each other’s bumps and bruises. We have even written prescriptions to make everyone feel better!
Over the past week, we have been busy writing a book about our bodes that we hope to share with other classes next week.
Keep an eye out for Kindergarten’s body experts around school!