KS2 Gym and Basketball Showcase

KS2-pe-showcase-feb-2015-gym-(10)On Tuesday, Key Stage 2 took part in our highly successful annual PE showcase. The children modeled all the skills that the KS2 teaching team have taught them in this half term in gymnastics and basketball.

The children of Years 3 and 4 were showcasing all of the hard work and perseverance that they have put into the gymnastics lessons this half term. The focus was balance and control. All the children, regardless of gymnastics background, displayed some fantastic skills – expectations differentiated to their specific level of experience.

With regards to Years 5 and 6, they took to the basketball court and were showcasing all of the skills that they have been working on in the format of a 4 vs 4 tournament.

Each team was arranged to include children with a range of experience.  It was clear that the tournament was a huge success, with the children showing wonderful team spirit and tactics. A few special mentions to B.C. … for his superb teamwork skills and all round basketball performance. Another to W.P. … for his wonderful team spirit and determination. Finally to M.M. … for showing everyone in the arena that the most important factor in such an event is to have fun and encourage all of your peers.

Overall, it must be noted that the behaviour and team work skills that the children were showing were fantastic – well done to all!

Unfortunately, we were unable to also showcase the volleyball matches that the Years 3 and 4 have also been working towards.

In the attached leaflet there is an overall view of the coverage from all of our gymnastics, volleball and basketball lessons.

This second half term, classes will rotate around so that Years 5 and 6 will be taught sessions of gymnastics and volleyball, and Years 3 and 4 basketball.  We look forward to sharing our learning with you in our second Showcase later in the term on 24th March.



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