As a culmination of all the events in our Keeping Healthy week, Years 3-6 set off for Sports Day at the Athletics track! All children competed in teams, collecting the greatest score possible for their groups by either running, jumping or throwing for victory! After developing our Athletics skills throughout the past 6 weeks, the children were able to show off their newly acquired skills in the hurdles, long jump, triple jump, discus, javelin, and shot put.
Sports Day created a very different atmosphere to our normal PE sessions. Due to increased levels of concentration, the pressure of a large audience (thank you parents for supporting your children so brilliantly!) or the excitement of the competition, every child produced some excellent performances! All of the teachers were delighted to hear about all the Personal Best records that were beaten in each event. It seemed like every child was achieving great things and celebrating their individual successes!
So, a huge congratulations to every child who participated with such wonderful spirit and enthusiasm. Our Sports Day was jammed full of great sportsmanship and plenty of the ‘Olympic Spirit’ that we had spoken about before the event. It was the perfect way to round off our keeping Healthy week. Click read more to see some more photo of the children in action,both in practice sessions and in Sports Day.