Kindergarten’s Terrific Turtle Week

k-turtles-speech-bubbles-apSee what all of the Kindergarten children said they’d learnt during Turtle Week when we asked them…

Kindergarten decided to team up with the Year 1 class and carry out some fun activities together.  We split into 3 groups and worked on 3 different activities which were all about turtles of course – drawing turtles, writing poems and making hatchlings. Have a look at our photos to see exactly what we did and how much fun we had.

With Ms. Myrna the children had to follow instructions about how to draw a turtle, with Ms. Tracy the children wrote some lovely turtle poems and with Mrs. Amanda they made a little baby turtle also known as a hatchling. The children worked really hard and had to concentrate to complete all 3 activities in the time given.



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