The week following Halloween was an exciting and busy one in the Gecko Classroom! Children learned about and prepared to participate in the school’s Bonfire Night celebrations on Wednesday 5th November.
As part of our topic Why are we all so different? we have been taking all opportunities to find out about and enjoy different festivals and celebrations from around the world. Learning about the history and the present day traditions of Guy Fawkes Night led to many questions and gave us lots to explore!
Children learned about safety around a bonfire and created firework art from glitter paints. As part of our Shapes project in maths we all tried to re-create firework displays by combining colour and shape. As the children created their work, they explained what they were imagining and thinking about.
Please click on ‘read more’ to see photos of our fireworks and Guy Fawkes masks.
“The red fire is really hot. People don’t want to touch it.”
“I have two fires. One is a circle and one is a triangle.”
“It goes up and then is has sparkles around it. People can’t go near it or they get burned.”
“My bonfire is three circles, a rectangle and two triangles. I don’t like any loud noises.”
“My fireworks are yellow and red triangles and circles. It has fire lights.”
“It has a special diamond. I made it like this with two triangles so there was no space.”
“You have to be careful because it has fire and the sparkles hurt.”
“It is a firework going up. I don’t like the loud bangs.”
Finally, we made a Guy Fawkes mask ready to place on the fire at the school’s Bonfire Night celebrations.
As you can see from our pictures, our Kindergarten students were excited and curious to see their hard work added to the fire! Their mixed emotions were a great point of discussion on the morning after.
“It makes a loud noise.” M.T.
A big thank you to Clive Whent at Bay Bistro for organising the wonderful Bonfire Night – It was spectacular and enjoyed by many of our Provo Primary families.