Our latest field trip involved us exploring the beach and expanding our knowledge about the sea. We started off by visiting the DEMA Environmental Centre, where Amy, the Environment Outreach Coordinator, shared many interesting facts about the Turks and Caicos Islands and highlighted the importance of taking care of our reefs. Looking around the exhibits, we were thrilled to meet a real-life boa constrictor and to touch a humpback whale’s tooth.
We then headed across to The Children’s Park on our way to the beach. A special tree planting ceremony was taking place in celebration of International Bio-diversity Day. The Honorable Premier, Rufus Ewing, asked us to help him to plant some lignum vitae trees. He then invited us to pose with him in a photograph that would be featured in the Canadian magazine, PIE. We felt like the paparazzi were all around us as cameras clicked and flashed. What a memorable trip!