To help us learn our numbers we have been having fun with shaving foam, Cuisenaire Rods, stamps and ink pads, big wooden numbers, games with dice and spinners, number puzzles, making spiders and singing number rhymes. It is hard work but lots of fun!
We are learning to count with 1:1 correspondence, write numbers using the correct formation, count on and count back, order numbers and find different ways to make each number Eg. 2+2=4, 1+3=4, 3+1=4, 4+0=4, 0+4=4. Here are a few photos to show the Kindergarten children in action…
Getting messy writing number 4 in the shaving foam!
Making 5 with the Cuisenaire Rods. Who is playing hide and seek with the number 5?
Using the ink pads and stamps to make the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Making scary spiders for Halloween. The orange spider has 8 legs already, but how many more legs does the blue one need?
We love using Cuisenaire rods to make staircases. With Ms. Myrna guiding them along the way, the children make it all the way to the top of the stairs! They can count up the stairs and all the way back down the stairs.
This number game is exciting. The spinner, goes round and round and round, where it stops no one knows.
Completing a number puzzle together can be really fun. You can hardly see the children as they are moving faster than Lightning McQueen!
Stamping numbers is messy and fun.
Look a beautiful blue starfish with 5 arms in the lovely National Geographic book that I brought from home.
5 Currant buns in a Baker’s Shop, big and round, with the sugar on the top, along came some children with a dollar one day. They all bought a currant bun and took it right away. Yum, yum, yum!
And lots, lots more…