The Kindergarten children were introduced to 3D shapes such as cubes, cuboids, spheres, cylinders, cones and pyramids. As a follow up activity, the children enjoyed using recycled materials to make realistic models using a variety of these 3D shapes.
The models ranged from cameras to piggy banks to mobiles. The children had to decide what kind of model they would like to make, they then had to follow pictorial and written instructions to create and build their model. They had to choose the correct shaped boxes for their specific model. As you can see from the photos they worked very hard to complete these and they were very proud of them.
The marshmallows and toothpick activity was a fun game designed to give the children the opportunity to build their own 3D shapes. They had to look specifically at the edges and corners of the shape they were making. Do you know how many edges a cube has and how many corners a pyramid has?
This was a very yummy activity!
Both of these activities sparked the children’s interest a great deal. They then used their new found knowledge of 3D shapes to change the flat 2D shapes in our class magnet game and turn them into 3D models. They made all sorts of designs and even made a hexagonal prism that was almost as tall as them! This magnetic game has become one of the most popular free play activities in the Kindergarten classroom.
You are very welcome to come and play this game with us, anytime.