Kindergarten Enjoy Exploring the Water After the Rain

k-rain-oct-2015 (6)The skies darkened as the children came to school…

“Rain is coming,” they began to say.

They looked up at the sky all turning grey…

“Oh my, what a day. But we still can have fun without the sun.”

The kindergarten children were very excited to play outside after the rain had stopped.  One of the girls was wearing rain boots and decided that she could walk in the puddles, but then realised that her friends couldn’t. The teacher asked, “How would it be possible for everyone to pass?” All of the children thought of many different ways of what to do… then they all helped together to make a stepping stone bridge from the big stones to cross over.  What an ingenious idea!

After this,  a game evolved with the Billy Goats Gruff going across to eat grass.  Everyone careful took turns, using their balancing skills to prevent themselves falling into the water.

Look at the photos and join in the fun with your imagination.

Playtime ended with another torrential downpour, which the children enjoyed watching, listening to and talking about from shelter of the walkway.  You can see how much fun they were having by the smiles on their faces in the photos below.

The role play then continued back inside the classroom with lots of talking and sharing ideas about rainy days.

k-rain-oct-2015 (2)

One of the students asked for her sign to be posted to remind the rest of the children how to stay safe on a rainy day.




The children truly enjoyed the adventure of the day.  We certainly can still have fun without the sun… along with lots of learning too about: friendship… problem solving… teamwork… storytelling and role play… balancing our bodies… using our senses… writing with a purpose!  Well done, Kindergartners!





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