Keeping Healthy Week – The Science of Sports

science-of-sports-mar-2013Next week is ‘Keeping Healthy Week’.  Following the theme of our Education Week on Science, we will focus on “The Science of Sports”.  Over the week we have organised a few activities and events to explore the theme and to help raise awareness for the importance of developing healthy life choices.

Monday: School fundraiser – Toddler’s Run-a-thon, JK and K’s Trike-a-thon and Year 1-6’s Bike-a-walk-a-thon’.

Tuesday: ‘Walk to School’.

Tuesday: Preschool Bounce-a-thon.  

Wednesday: ‘Early Years and KS1 Sports Day’.

Thursday: KS2 Gymnastic and Handball Showcase.

Friday: ‘Walk to School’.

Look out for blog post next week showing highlights of our activities.

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