After a week off for mid-term break, students and staff have hit the ground running with Provo Primary’s termly “Keeping Healthy Week”. School-wide activities, like the “Wake Up – Shake Up” aerobics session led by fitness trainer Jo Gray and the walk (or run) to school are great reminders of how important it is to keep active…and that fitness can be fun! The Early Years students’ certainly proved that point, wearing huge smiles as they flapped, hopped or raced across the school field as birds, bunnies and monkeys in their own set of races.
Read on and see some wonderful photos of the children in action!
Classes also discussed nutrition, with some keeping food diaries to track just how healthy their diets really are and of course everyone has been encouraged to get a proper night’s sleep…every night! While keeping healthy is something we strive to encourage year round, these five days serve as a fun and educational reminder of the day-to-day habits needed to keep our minds and bodies “in shape” and ready to learn.