JK Mother’s Day Sunflowers

jk-mothers-day-2013 (9)Mother’s Day was celebrated with a sunflower theme this year in JK.  Mums, aunts and grandmas were invited in for a special tea party.  The party began with some Mother’s Day songs that the children had created themselves to express their thanks to their mums.  Then everyone shared a delicious picnic on the carpet together.  The children made banana muffins, which the guests got to decorate with icing and a flower.  There were also home-grown tomato and cucumber sandwiches and, of course, teapots galore with refreshing hot tea.

Happy Mother’s Day – we hope everyone enjoyed being pampered and appreciated.

The JK children loved planning and preparing this special party together.  Using well-known nursery-rhyme melodies that the children enjoy and know well, they created lyrics together to share thanks for their mums and all they do for us.   In the week leading up to Mother’s Day, the children became more familiar with their mother’s christian names, responding to their mum’s name instead of their own at registration time.  They really loved doing this!  They also practised their understanding of pronouns – she and her.

The sunflower theme linked really well with our ‘growing and life cycles’ topic.  Just like plants growing from seeds to plants and then flowers, the children related this to how humans grow from babies, to children to adults.



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