The Ministry of Education, Youth, Culture and Library Services invites you to join us in celebrating encouraging friends and neighbours to come out and be a part of the month –long activities around the island. Click on the image left to see what’s happening.
National Heritage Month is a time in which we wholeheartedly observe and celebrate the rich cultural history of our country. It is through our celebrations that we recognise the work done by our forefathers, and the rich legacies they have left for our enjoyment.
As we celebrate, we ask that we each reflect on our level of patriotism to this beautiful country; the role each citizen must play in making this a safer place in which to live, and the steps that are to be taken to make the TCI a more unified country.
Look out for further details this week on our National Heritage Celebration Assembly on the afternoon of Friday 11th October – time to be decided.
Everyone is invited to join us as our children honour our National Song, tales and dances. We hope you’ll be able to join us for the celebrations!
As always, do let us know if you are willing to come in and share a heritage related activity with the children during this month.