Year 5 have been analyzing the text ‘Tuesday’ by David Wiesner. As the story is formed mainly from pictures, it has left lots of room for the children’s imagination to run wild and to develop some excellent writing as they flesh out the story with words.
Click on ‘read more…’ to watch an animated version of the story. It inspired us to do a lot of drama to explore the different characters feelings and opinions. Learn more about this and watch our amazing video interviews…
One of the activities we did was to hot-seat different characters from the story. We decided to conduct police interviews to explore this genre further. One of the children was the detective and the other the witness. The detectives had to focus on choosing good quality, open questions to ensure they gained the most information while still maintaining a formal register. The witnesses were free to develop their character in any direction they liked, which led to some interesting and hilarious results as the children questioned how their character would react to a strange sighting of flying frogs!
I was hugely impressed with how well the children maintained their characters and developed their ideas without any written support/preparation. Their answers were very thoughtful, developed and character-relevant!