It’s ‘FREEZER-ing” say our Preschoolers!

ps-iga-freezer-trip-june-2016 (11)The Preschool children have been investigating different types of weather through their topic, ‘Does the Sun Always Shine?’ This week we have been exploring cold weather. Not an easy concept to grasp when you live on an island that is predominantly warm year round! However, to experience this cold phenomenon, we visited IGA Supermarket’s freezer room!



The children arrived wearing regular clothes and went inside the freezer. While it was a refreshing change, the children didn’t take long to want to put on their winter attire.

Returning to the freezer a little warmer, they enjoyed the sound of crunching ice and seeing their breath.

Afterwards, we went outdoors in our winter attire and VERY quickly stripped it off. Well, not all children – I think some enjoyed the novelty of actually being able to wear a thick jacket!

To finish off such a fun and exciting trip, the children were given a goody bag from IGA staff, which included an ice cream; a lovely ‘cool’ off from the heat!

ps-iga-freezer-trip-june-2016 (2)Thank you IGA.  Now we all really understand what cold air really feels like.  We really enjoyed our goody bags, too.








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