Is that Floppy?

k-floopy-oct-2016-9Would you believe that Floppy, the dog, lives here in the Turks and Caicos Islands?  Well, he does and today he came to visit Kindergarten!

We have recently been learning all about the Oxford Reading Tree characters – Biff, Chip, Kipper, Wilf, Wilma etc.  They go on many adventures and get into lots of scrapes and silly predicaments.  As many of you know, Floppy is the dog who accompanies the children on all their journeys.

Anyway, by complete surprise Ms. Alison came into the classroom this afternoon with Floppy in tow!  She told us all about how Floppy likes to eat treats, walk on the beach and spend his time being scratched and tickled.  The children got to ask Floppy lots of questions, brush his fur and take him for a walk around the classroom.

We all enjoyed seeing a real character from one of our favourite series of books.  Take a look at to read, listen to and watch some of the gang’s adventures.

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