Is it Fiction or Non-Fiction? Year 1 Find Out!

yr-non-fiction-feb-2013This term, in Osprey class, the Year 1s have been learning how to recognise whether a book or story we read is fiction or non-fiction.  We are remembering that fiction is an entertaining, make-believe story that is not real and non-fiction is true information that gives us facts to explain something.

A non-fiction or information book also has a few other features we have learned about, such as:

  • Contents Page: Contents pages are found at the front of the book. They tell you the page number that you can find information on;
  • Index: The index is at the back of the book. It has key words and tells you where you can find the information in the book. It is in alphabetical order;
  • Glossary: The glossary is at the back of the book. It helps to explain what difficult words mean;
  • Pictures: Pictures are used to give more information;
  • Captions: Captions are next to the pictures. They explain the picture.



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