Invertebrate Sketching

As part of their learning in Science this term, Year 6 have been studying classification and variation within the animal kingdom. With a specific focus on invertebrates they have been finding out all sorts of scientific information which have left them informed; and fascinated to discover more about this important element of the animal kingdom.

In order to categorize invertebrates carefully, observational skills are a must! Year 6 used this skill to even greater effect in art class, which demanded a pencil sketch of invertebrates drawn from: insects, mollusks, arachnids, crustaceans, echinoderms, Cnidarians, sponges and annelids.

Please check out some of the sketches below or visit the Year 6 classroom to see more. Examine them closely and see how they used paper space to good effect; focused in on light and dark tones using shading; and used lines and curves to give an almost realistic impression!


  1. Lucy Eaton says:

    beautiful crab

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