How did Year 2 Celebrate Chinese New Year?

yr-2-chinese-new-year-2015 (14)As most of you will know, in Y2 we like to learn all about different cultures and the traditions they celebrate. On February 19th the coming of the New Year was celebrated throughout China and the world…and also in one classroom here in the Turks & Caicos Islands!

We did this with a Chinese New Year party! Thanks to ‘Chopsticks’ restaurant we were able to use their chopsticks to eat a feast of delights generously brought in by the Year 2 parents. We listened to traditional Chinese music, ate traditional Chinese food and all received a red envelope (a sign of good luck) with a 100 Yuan note inside…now all we need to do it save up the money to travel there so we can spend it! We topped off the afternoon with a performance of a Chinese song that the children had written and composed themselves…check out our video and see photos of us enjoying our party!


A BIG thank you to all the parents who made the effort to bring in food for our party and who came along to hear us perform our song. It is safe to say we were thoroughly full up and big fans of Chinese food!

In addition to the party we spent time learning the story of how each New Year was named after one of twelve animals, we discovered which animal of the zodiac we were born in and are in the process of writing acrostic poems about the Chinese New Year animals.

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