Happy Earth Day from our Preschool Lorax Lovers!

ps-lorax-april-2016-(17)“I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees….. UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”

The children have been enjoying books by Dr. Seuss as part of their topic, Think and Wonder, Wonder and Think. Last week we looked at the book, The Lorax. It is a perfect introduction to Earth Day and our local wildlife environmental week about turtles. We discussed several ways we can help take care of our Earth. The children may be little but it is never too early to make them aware of ways in which they can help take care of our environment.
It was very pleasing to hear a child’s comment to his mother, “Mummy we can’t cut down trees. We have to help take care of the Earth.”

We have had a very busy week looking at parts of trees and making a tree diagram, rolling blue and green paint balls to make an Earth, making Truffula trees out of coffee filters and creating paint pallets to show what happened before and after the Truffula trees were chopped down. Perhaps the highlight of the week was our sensory play activity with coffee grinds. The children used toy mugs and a variety of spoons to scoop! Instead of throwing them away, we put them on plants around school to help them to grow, wearing our Lorax moustaches, of course!

What small things can you do to help protect the Earth?

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