Happy Chinese New Year from Osprey Class!

yr-2-chinese-new-year-jan-2014-1To celebrate Chinese New Year, our Year 2 Osprey’s have been learning through all things Chinese.  In our ICT lesson we researched Chinese crafts and made a collage of the Chinese flag.  In numeracy we played Chinese number games and in literacy we made story maps and retold the story of Chinese New Year.  On ‘New Years Eve’ we followed tradition and swept all the bad luck out of the Osprey classroom ready to receive good luck that the New Year would bring in.  On New Years Day we all wore red (a symbol of good luck for the future) and had a surprise traditional meal of noodles which we ate with chopsticks!  Each child also received a red envelope with a good luck token for a prosperous year.  Osprey’s have really enjoyed learning about and experiencing another culture, pay us a visit to find out more!



Do you know the legend of Chinese New Year?  Legend has it that centuries ago 12 animals were overheard by a Jade Emperor, arguing about who the New Year should be named after.  He decided they should have a race from one side of the river to the other and whoever one would have the year named after them.  All the animals thought they were good enough to win so agreed.  They set off swimming and the Ox took the lead; however just as he was about to reach the other side the rat jumped on to his tail, climbed across his back and then jumped off his nose on to the riverbed.  The rat had won the race and was named The Year of the Rat.  The Jade Emperor decided all 12 animals should have a year named after them and they now make up the Chinese Zodiac.



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